Final Project

The final assignment in the first semester of my art class was to take a master and re-create one of his pieces of art. I chose Michelangelo's The Creation of Adam from the Sistine Chapel for my inspiration. I chose this for two reasons: 1) because I love the artist's work (for me it is all about the emotion), and 2) I usually draw female figures and decided to do a male image for a change. I used the grid method for this piece and we could only use dry media such as colored pencils, pastels, etc. for the final project. It took about 4 weeks to finish and even at that I was close to not finishing when the final exam rolled around. My art teacher, Diane, would have a mini-exhibition for our final where we would present our piece and then give a report about the artist and the piece at the same time. Our families were invited to the exhibition and the food and drink (non-alcoholic) made the evening all the more enjoyable.

